Analysis of the Needs of Class X MIA MA Al-Fatah Palembang Students Regarding the Availability of Computer-Based Learning Media in Collision Subchapter
Needs Analysis, Learning Media, Computer, CollisionAbstract
This research aims to analyze students' needs regarding the availability of computer-based learning media on collision subchapter in class X majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences MA Al-Fatah Palembang. Needs analysis is carried out based on the first stage of the Addie model in the Research and Development (RnD) type of research , namely analysis. Data collection in this research used a questionnaire with qualitative data type. The distribution of questionnaires was carried out for one day with a sample of two classes X MIA MA Al-Fatah Palembang, totaling 30 students. Based on the results of the needs analysis that has been carried out, several conclusions were obtained regarding students' needs for the availability of computer-based learning media on collision subchapter, namely: (1) physics is a subject that is difficult to understand. (2) of the six physics lesson subchapters in semester 1 of class X, 63% of respondents stated that collision subchapter was the most difficult subchapter to understand. (3) 4% of students strongly agree that the development of computer-based learning media on collision subchapter, 86% of students agree, and the rest disagree.