Efektivitas penggunaan e-modul fisika berbasis contextual teaching and learning (ctl) pada materi momentum dan impuls
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)-based physics E-Module on momentum and impulse material for grade XI students of SMA Negeri 2 Palembang.The method used in this research is Pre-experimental design one-group pretest-postest design.The population in this study was all grade XI students of SMA Negeri 2 Palembang and the sample of the study was grade XI Science 7.The instrument used is a test of student learning outcomes in the form of multiple choice and the data of this test result uses t-test analysis.The results showed that the average pretest score of students was 48.25, the average posttest score of students was 76.75.normal distributed normality test with significance (0.083) with significance level 5% with error margin (0.05) then Ha is accepted and the data is normally distributed.Homogeneous test with significance (0.073).This shows that this data is said to be homogeneous because the significance value (0.05< 0.05) with a significance level of 5%, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.Furthermore, to measure the learning outcomes of researchers using questionnaire instruments with Likert scale analysis, the answers of 40 students, namely 3472, were found to be very agreeable.This shows the effectiveness of the E-Module media used in learning the physics of momentum and impulse matter