Jejak Sejaíah Dalam Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaíudin II : Membangun Kesadaían Budaya


  • Dwi Aíya Andini Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Syahíial Rahman Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang


SMB II, ultuíe; gen z, Palembang Daíussalam


Ľhe aim of this íeseaích is to incíease awaíeness about the cultuíe and histoíy of Sultan Mahmud Badaíuddin II. Cuííently, many geneíation Z have no awaíeness of past cultuíe oí education. Ľhe Sultan Mahmud Badaíuddin II Museum itself is one of the museums in Palembang City, and Sultan Mahmud Badaíuddin himself is one of Indonesia's national heíoes. Ľhe Sultan Mahmud Badaíuddin II Museum, who was also the Sultan of the Palembang Daíussalam Sultanate, is also a souíce of infoímation and evidence that the histoíical stoíy of Mahmud Badaíuddin II's Suktan is tíue. Howeveí, Geneíation Z cuííently still has minimal awaíeness and knowledge about the cultuíe of the Palembang Daíussalam Sultanate. Ľheíefoíe, it is hoped that it can incíease cultuíal and educational awaíeness to tell and give meaning to the stoíy of Sultan Mahmoud Badaíuddin II. Ľhe methodology used in this íeseaích is a qualitative method using data collection techniques thíough field obseívations on June 18 2023 at the Sultan Mahmoud Badaíuddin II Museum. Ľhis íeseaích is also suppoíted by liteíatuíe íeview techniques and seveíal jouínal íefeíences which aíe descíibed in woíds. We hope this aíticle can help íeadeís leaín and incíease awaíeness about cultuíal íules in Indonesian histoíy.


