Kebijakan Perusahaan Daerah Pasar Palembang Jaya terhadap Tata Kelola Pasar (Analisis Filsafat Lingkungan Alexander Sonny Keraf)


  • Desi Romilah Sari UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Syefriyeni universitas islam negri raden fatah palembang
  • Rahmat Hidayat universitas islam negri raden fatah palembang


A. Sonny Keraf, Market Environment, PDPPJ Policy



Sonny Keraf is a philosopher who is familiar with environmental philosophy. According to him, environmental issues are moral issues. Related to the environment, in Palembang there are traditional markets managed by the Palembang Jaya Market Regional Company (PDPPJ). The existence of this market aims to make the activities in the market in line with the regulation. This research aims to synergize Sonny Keraf's concept of environmental philosophy with PDPPJ Palembang City's policy on market governance. This research is a literature research, with primary data sources in the form of market governance policies, and secondary data in the form of documents relevant to the research: PDPPJ regulations are in line with the principles of Sonny Keraf's environmental concept such as Ecological literacy found in local regulation no.1 of 2021 concerning market governance; Holistic-Ecological found in local regulation no.2 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility; and the concept of bioregionalism found in local regulation no. 3 of 2015 concerning Household Waste Management and Waste similar to Household Waste. 





