Budaya Makan Secara Halakoh Pada Komunitas Arab Di Kampung Al-Munawar Palembang (Studi Pada Maulid Arba’in dan Isyrin)
Tradition, Halakoh, SocietyAbstract
This research was motivated by a shift in serving food dishes to invited guests. Many people have now switched to serving food in French and buffet form and abandoned old cultural traditions. However, among the people of Al-Munawar village, they still maintain the tradition of serving food to invited guests, called halakoh. This research is important to understand the advantages of eating halakoh in Al-Munawar village, Subdistrict 13 Ulu, Seberang Ulu II and the efforts of the community in Al-Munawar village to maintain halakoh traditions.
This research is field research. The type of data used is qualitative which uses two sources, namely: primary data sources in the form of interviews with elders, RT heads, community leaders, women's leaders, youth leaders and native people of Al-Munawar village. Secondary data sources include: books, journals, articles related to research. The theoretical framework used in this research uses a cultural anthropology approach and is seen from the perspective of continuity and change theory from Richard Wall and Lloyd Bonfield. Data collection techniques in this research were observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.
The results of this research prove that the procedures for implementing a halakoh meal start from preparing the place, finding funds, equipment, ingredients used, and passing dishes from one place to another. This tradition has the advantages, namely: fostering a sense of togetherness, helping each other (mutual cooperation), respect, familiarity, sharing, brotherhood, blessings and friendship. Efforts made to preserve this tradition have been carried out from generation to generation through individual and group religious activities. Apart from that, there are supporting factors that influence this tradition so that it can continue to be implemented today, namely: belief, value, social, economic, natural/environmental, health and technical factors.
Copyright (c) 2024 Kiki Supriyadi Maulana, Nur Fitriyana, Murtiningsih
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