Virtual Religion Communities : The Phenomenon of Theological Dialogue in Podcast Log In


  • Nur Fitriana UIN Raden Fatah Palembang


community and log in, religious, Virtual



Penulisan  This article discusses virtual religious communities. In the digital era, technological advances make it easier for humans to get information. This tends to change the structure and space of people's lives. This development also occurs from traditional communities to digital communities. So that religious communities have been formed on various social media, such as YouTube. This phenomenon can be seen in the virtual religious community of the podcast Log In Husein Jakfar al-Haidar and Onadio Leonardo. Both of them are hosts on the Log In podcast during Ramadan. This podcast is interesting because it presents guest stars from various religious figures, such as Muslims, Christians and Catholics to learn and get to know other religions and appreciate various differences. Therefore, this research is important and interesting because the content of this podcast carries a message of peace, tolerance and away from hate speech. This research is a literature research. The main source is the Log in 2023 podcast.The focus of this research is to analyze the phenomenon of virtual religious communities of the Log in podcast on theological dialogue. The methods used are Edmund Husserl's phenomenology and Tarmizi Taher's theory of dialogue. The research produced the findings that Log In as a religious virtual community became a gathering point among people of different religions to develop spiritual journey and brotherhood in the name of humanity. The phenomenon of podcastLog In uses a guidance approach as a spectacle, religiously pranks jokes and builds different faiths as brothers and sisters of humanity. The theological dialogue material, among others, fasting exercises for tolerance, acknowledging that the issue of faith cannot be forced and that the issue of non-Muslims is certainly not in heaven is the prerogative of Allah. For Non-Muslims, all their goodness is given in this world, not in the hereafter, as part of God's justice.






