Revisiting The Concept Of Nengah Nyappur For Strengthening Religious Moderation In Contemporary Indonesia


  • Qois Azizah Bin Has Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro


Nengah Nyappur, Religious Moderation, Social Values


Nengah Nyappur has become a vital instrument to strengthen the value of moderation in local Lampung society. Although often seen as local wisdom, nengah nyappur actually contains universal values that have roots in the teachings of Islamic religiosity so that it has the opportunity to be applied in national and international contexts. The interconnection of nengah nyapur values with the dynamics of moderation in the Indonesian national context has not been done much. This paper revisits the potential for the inculcation of the nengah nyapur value content in strengthening religious moderation in the contemporary Indonesian context. This research uses a qualitative approach by collecting data from various sources such as library books, journals, and other writings. The results of this study indicate that the concept of nengah nyappur is not limited to the philosophical view of Lampung. Because nengah nyappur contains insights into religious moderation such as tolerance, exclusivity and humanism to create harmony in people's lives. And in the end, it is known that the value of the philosophy of life of nengah nyappur in pisinggiri pi'il is coherent with Islamic values.





