Evaluation of Competency Assessment of Indonesian Madrasah (AKMI) in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Azizan Palembang


  • Ade Raini Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Abdullah Idi Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Yulia Tri Samiha Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang


Evaluation, Implementation of AKMI, CIPP


Evaluation of the Implementation of the Assessment Indonesian Madrasah Competence (AKMI) at the Azizan Elementary School (MI). Palembang. AKMI to measure the competence of madrasah students in literacy reading, numeracy literacy, scientific literacy, and future socio-cultural literacy can be used by teachers and madrasahs to improve education services needed by students as a basis for drafting learning. This study aims to analyze the implementation of AKMI in MI Azizan Palembang using the CIPP model namely Context, Input, Process, and Product. This evaluative research uses a qualitative descriptive method with the research informants were the head of the madrasa, teaching staff, and staff education. The research instruments used were observation, interviews, and documentation as well as analyzed using data analysis techniques qualitative. The results of this study are: first, the context (context) of the AKMI program in MI Azizan Palembang as a whole is quite good in terms of results evaluation of the program context includes: legal basis for AKMI implementation, background background, the purpose of AKMI, cooperation with related parties. Second, input (input) the implementation of AKMI at MI Azizan Palembang as a whole has been done quite good, seen from the results of the evaluation of program inputs, namely at the drafting stage programs, schedule of activities, preparation of program reports, competencies and  qualifications of proctors, technicians, and AKMI room supervisors, availability and utilization of infrastructure facilities, costs have been running and well implemented although it must continue to be improved in supporting infrastructure. Third, the results of the evaluation of the AKMI implementation process in the form of time, place and scope program, the role of educational stakeholders is very good even though it is not yet touching program development funding, activities carried out can be seen from the AKMI activity journals with supervision and monitoring from the head of the madrasa and the Ministry of Religion. Fourth, results product evaluation of the implementation of AKMI which was carried out showed success program, namely the suitability of targets and results, the benefits of the program for madrasas and students and AKMI reporting so that this program must be continued and improved





