RELIGION AS CULTURE MOBILE ( The Phenomenon of Mudik Lebaran in Indonesia )


  • Anisatul Mardiah Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang


homecoming , culture , Eid


Study This entitled " Religion as mover Culture : The Phenomenon of Mudik Lebaran in Indonesia” . This research is motivated by the Lebaran homecoming culture that occurs every year . The culture of going home during Eid is an interesting phenomenon because of a culture like this very stand out in Indonesia . Besides as incident culture , homecoming too is social reality that is important to do with family, relatives, as well as neighbors in the hometown . This social attachment is a series of cultural events that are still present in all levels of society. Homecoming is the legacy of ancestors you're the last still exist until at this time already become characteristic separate ones Indonesian owned . Problems that will discussed in this paper namely : 1. Why  religion said as mover culture  What urgency  from culture homecoming for society. Method study Which used is method descriptive qualitative with phenomenological approach. Approach phenomenology trying to explain or reveal the meaning of a concept or phenomenon of experience based on awareness in several individuals. This research done in natural situations so there is no limit in meaning or understand the phenomenon under study.

The results of the study show that Eid homecoming is a culture driven by religious teachings . Homecoming is defined as cultural events and social reality that needs to be done to family, relatives, as well as neighbors . Homecoming isn't it only to strengthen the relationship , but also serves to glue back the emotional connection between individuals. In sociology, this is important because the relationship between individuals can strengthen solidarity. culture _ going home brings social change in society because going home will have an impact on several areas of people's social life such as transportation, the economy, and tourism .

Homecoming urgency for public  namely : First , religious encouragement that has become a culture. So strong is the religious pull that has become a culture, because of the Eid event F itri by forgiving each other can be knitted perfectly if they can meet face to face. Second , pilgrimage to the tomb family . Pilgrimage  to grave Already become a culture among the people of Indonesia. Every ahead of fasting Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, children, in-laws, grandchildren , family and relatives go on a pilgrimage to the graves of their parents, grandparents and ancestors and their closest relatives while praying deceased / deceased . This momentum can be carried out when they return to their hometown. Third , homesickness. Every year homesickness is always treated by going home. This is an interesting social phenomenon as social beings, longing for their origins in their hometown. Therefore, the tough challenges they faced returning home were not a problem, they continued to do it with joy and happiness.





