Comunity structure, Kundur River, MacrozoobentosAbstract
Kundur river is the river which has domestic activities and had illegal tapping that caused the pollution in the water. The changing of the water condition which is caused by domestic activities and the oil spill, it will influence the structure of ecology especially the organims is macrozoobentos. The purpose of this research is for knowing the comunity structure macrozoobentos which still tolerance after the pollution occurs there, especially after the oil pollution in the water. In this research, we used Eckmann Grab 30 x 30 for taking the sample and binoculer microscope for identifying the macrozoobentos, also we used formalin 10% dan Rose Bengal Reagen 1% as the material in this research. The structure of the macrozoobenthos community was analyzed through the parameters of the macrozoobenthos density, diversity index, uniformity index and dominance index. Based on the results of identification of macrozoobenthos in the waters of the Kundur River there are a total of 7 types of macrozoobenthos which are included in 5 classes. Based on biological index calculation it is known that the macrozoobenthos structure in the Kundur river waters has a low stability, with a low macrozoobenthos diversity index value (<1) and a high dominance value (> 0.5).
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